On-demand product photography, 
from your library of digital apparel in the cloud

SEDDI Author is a precise, collaborative, 3D CAD for streamlined apparel creation, sales, and production that helps suppliers and their marketing and e-commerce teams produce highly realistic images of styles and colorways for the web and advertising—for a fraction of the time and cost.

SEDDI Author is the solution for…
Girl wearing blank white shirt
Blank Apparel Suppliers
Girl and guy wearing a shirt and a hoodie
Graphic Apparel Companies
Girl taking photos of apparel
Marketing &
Ecommerce Teams

...that want to collaborate seamlessly with downstream partners and customers, and create high quality product imagery on-demand.

What Makes SEDDI Author Unique?

Your Blank Apparel in the Cloud

From your library of blank apparel in the cloud, to your website in minutes. Easily access your customized library of assets to quickly and easily create imagery in 3D.


Cloud library garments

Fast, Painless Photo Production

SEDDI Author simplifies the process of generating high-quality product imagery, reducing the time and effort traditionally associated with studio shoots.


Author UI image setup

Cost-Efficient Ecommerce Imagery

Create detailed ghost and flat lay renders at a fraction of the cost of traditional photography, and configure versatile scenes to display products.


Shirt on an ecommerce page

Explore SEDDI Author Features

SEDDI Author UI Change Garment Colors
Author UI Change Garment Colors
Logo mockup on shirt

Create Colorways

Easily create and visualize different color variations of apparel items.

Place Logos and Decorate

Easily and accurately add and place logos and graphics on apparel.

Author Styling UI
Author Styling UI
Scene Set Up for rendering

Styling and Posing

Customize apparel styling and posing to achieve desired visual aesthetics and showcase products effectively.

Setup Scenes for Images

Configure new scenes for rendering, allowing for versatile presentation options tailored to specific needs.

Share and Export High Quality Images

Share digital apparel images with partners and customers for feedback, collaboration, and export for e-commerce needs, facilitating seamless decision-making and sales.

From your library of blank apparel in the cloud, to your website in minutes.
Light blue and lavender shirt

Contact us to start your free trial or receive a tailored walk-through of SEDDI Author for your company.